2024 |
67. |
Munguía-Rosas MA (2024) Is staggered flowering phenology favoured by phenotypic selection? The case of two co-occurring Cnidoscolus species. Flora 317: 152556. (*) |PDF|
66. |
Casares-G M, Castillo-Burguete MT, Chavez-Rodríguez L, Munguía-Rosas MA (2024). “If the mangroves disappear, so will San Crisanto — that’s how big the risk is”: Wetlands of a Coastal Lagoon Ecosystem and Local Adaptation to Climate Change. Wetlands Science & Practice 42: 40-47. |PDF|
65. |
Sarralta-Batun L, Jiménez-Osorio J, Meléndez-Ramírez V, Munguía-Rosas MA (2024) Taxonomic and functional diversity of bees in traditional agroecosystems and tropical forest patches on the Yucatan Peninsula. Tropical Conservation Science, 17: 1-16. (*) IPDFI
64. |
Serralta-Batun L, Jiménez-Osornio J, Munguía-Rosas MA, Rodríguez-Robayo K. (2024). Amenazas al paisaje agrícola tradicional del sur de Yucatán, México. Una mirada desde el análisis socioecológico. Revista de Economia y Sociología Rural, 62: e265073. |PDF|
2023 |
63. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, Parra-Tabla V, Rodríguez-Domínguez (2023). Partial and asymmetrical reproductive isolation between two sympatric tropical shrub species: Cnidoscolus aconitifolius and C. souzae (Euphorbiaceae). Ecology and Evolution 13: e10801. (*) |PDF|
62. |
Dzul-Cauich HF, Munguía-Rosas MA (2023) Visita del mono araña (Ateles geoffroyi) a las flores de Ceiba pentandra: ¿Quién se beneficia de esta interacción? Desde el Herbario CICY 15: 102-106. |PDF|
61. |
Solís-Montero V, Munguía-Rosas MA, Bello-Bedoy R. (2023). Ecological knowledge, use and management of maax ik (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill) in a rural Mayan community. Botanical Sciences 101: 804-820. (*) |PDF|
60. |
Solís-Montero V, Bello-Bedoy R, Munguía-Rosas MA (2023). Non-random distribution of maax pepper plants (Capsicum annum var. glabriusculum) in Mayan homegardens: Effects on plant size, fruit yield and viral diseases. Agroforestry Systems 92: 217-226. (*) |PDF|
59. |
Santamaría A, Euan-Avila J, Munguía-Rosas MA, Saldívar-Lucio R, Fraga J (2023). Environmental variability and governance: The fishery of Octopus maya in Yucatan, Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 10: 1018728. |PDF|
58. |
Villalobos Perera P, Martínez-Natarén D, Munguía-Rosas MA, Castillo-Butguete T (2023) Plantas usadas para tratar la litiasis renal o cálculo renal en la región centro del estado de Yucatán, México. Desde el Herbario CICY 15: 7-11. |PDF|
2022 |
57. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, Álvarez-Espino, RX (2022). What are elaiosomes for? The effect of elaiosomes on ant attraction, seed removal and germination in wild chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius). Journal of Arid Environments 205: 104826. (*) |PDF|
56. |
Munguía-Rosas M. (2022). La domesticación de la chaya. Avance y Perspectiva. |AyP|
55. |
Dzul-Cauich H, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2022). Negative effects of ligth pollution on pollinator visit are outweighted by positive effects on reproductive successs of a bat-pollinated tree. The Science of Nature 7: 1-12.(*) |PDF|
54. |
Munguía-Rosas MA.(2022). Domestication reduces phenotypic plasticity in chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) I.M. Johnst ). Botanical Sciences , 100(1), 93-106. (*) |PDF|
2021 |
53. |
Munguía-Rosas MA. (2021). Artificial selection optimizes clonality in chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius). Scientific Reports 11: 21017 (*) |PDF|
52. |
Miranda- Jácome A, Fernández-Tlapa F, Munguía Rosas MA. (2021). Visiting and feeding behavior of sap beetles (Carpophilus lugubris) in the flowers of a chiropterophilic columnar cactus (Pilosocereus leucocephalus). Journal of Arid Environments 189: 104482 (*) |PDF|
51. |
Torales-Herrera B, Munguía-Rosas M. ¿Abrir o no las escuelas en México durante la pandemia de Covid-19? Avance y Perspectiva 17: 1-16 |AyP
2020 |
50. |
Villicaña-Hernández JG, Martínez-Natarén D, Álvarez-Espino RX, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2020). Seed rain in a tropical dry forest and adjacent home gardens in the Yucatan. Tropical Conservation Science 13: 1-9(*) |PDF|
49. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, Jácome-Flores ME. (2020). Reproductive isolation between wild and domesticated chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius ) in sympatry. Plant Biology 22: 932-938. (*) |PDF|
48. |
Solís-Montero V, Martínez-Natarén D, Parra-Tabla V, Ibarra-Cerdeña C, Munguía-Rosas MA.(2020). Herbivory and anti-herbivore defences in wild and cultivated Cnidoscolus aconitifolius: disentangling domestication and environmental effects. AoB Plants 12: plaa023 (*) |PDF|
47. |
Torales-Herrera B, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2020). La movilidad urbana como pieza clave para la contención de pandemias. Avance y Perspectiva 6: 1-11. |PDF|
46. |
Miranda-Jacóme A, Rodríguez-García R, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2020). Bats and moths contribute to the reproductive success of the columnar cactus Pilosocereus leucocephalus. Journal of Arid Environments. (*) |PDF|
2019 |
45. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, Jacóme-Flores ME, Bello-Bedoy R, Montero-Solís V, Ochoa-estrada E. (2019). Morphological divergence between wild and cultivated chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius)(Mill.) IM Johnst. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 66: 1389-1398 |PDF| (*)
Cruz-Cortés JJ, Fraga J, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2019). Effects of changes in traditional agroecosystems on vernacular dwellings: the Occupants' Perspective. Human Ecology 47:553–563 |PDF| (*)
43. |
Cruz-Cortés JJ, Fraga J, Munguía-Rosas MA (2019). Evolución de la Vivienda Vernácula en una Comunidad Rural (Sotuta, Yucatán). Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, 104 p. |PDF|
42. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, Angulo D, Arceo-Gómez G, Parra-Tabla V. (2019). Variation in leaf traits accross a precipitation gradient in coastal sand dunes in Yucatan Peninsula. Journal of Arid Environments 162: 10-17. |PDF| (*)
41. |
Badillo-Montaño R, Aguirre A, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2019). Pollinator-mediated interactions between cultivated papaya and co-flowering plant species. Ecology and Evolution 9: 587-597. |PDF| (*)
2018 |
40. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, Montiel S, Castillo-Burguete T, Ibarra-Cerdeña C. (2018). Investigación transdisciplinaria para reconciliar seguridad alimentaria, conservación biológica y bienestar. Avance y Perspectiva 4(2) |AyP| (*)
39. |
Angulo D, Tun-Garrido J, Munguía-Rosas MA, Arceo-Gómez G, Parra-Tabla V. (2108). Patterns of phylogenetic community structure of sand dune plant communities in the Yucatan Peninsula: the role of deterministic and stochastic processes in community assembly. Plant Ecology and Diversity. 11: 515-527 |PDF|
38. |
Martínez-Natarén D, Villalobos-Perera P, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2018). Morphoology and density of glandular trychomes of Ocimum campechiananum and Ruellia nudiflora in contrasting light environments: A scanning electron microscopy study. Flora. 248: 28-33 |PDF|
37. |
Munguía-Rosas MA. (2018). Diversidad de plantas en un bosque tropical naturalmente fragmentado: Integrando multiples componentes de la biodiversidad para entender de forma integral efectos al largo plazo. En: Exploring Frameworks for Tropical Forest Conservation, UNESCO. |PDF| (*)
36. |
Slik F, Frankli, J. et al. (182 autores más, ordenados alfabeticamente). (2018). A phylogenetic classification of world`s tropical forest PNAS 115: E3968. |PDF|
35. |
Aguirre A, Contreras X, Munguía-Rosas MA, Badillo-Montaño R. (2018) . Cambios en el uso de suelo y su impacto en la polinización en un ambiente antropizado: Un estudio de caso con Astrocaryum mexicanum en la selva de os Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. En Fauna Nativa en Ambientes Antropizados, UAQ-Conacyt |PDF|
34. |
Badillo-Montaño R, Aguirre-Jaimes A, Santamaría F, Martínez-Natarén D, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2018). Importancia de los visitantes florales y la expresión sexual sobre el éxito reproductivo de un cultivo de papaya (Carica papaya l.). En Fauna Nativa en Ambientes Antropizados, UAQ-Conacyt. |PDF| (*)
33. |
Arellano-Rivas A, De-Nova JA, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2018). Patch isolation and shape predict plant functional diversity in a naturally fragmented forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 11: 136-146. |PDF| (*)
2017 |
32. |
Martínez-Natarén D, Parra-Tabla V, Munguía-Rosas MA. (2017). Genetic diversity and structure of the tree Manilkara zapota in a naturally fragmented tropical forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 33: 285-294. |PDF| (*)
31. |
Arellano-Rivas A, Munguía-Rosas MA, De-Nova A, Montiel S. (2017). Effect of spatial patch characteristics and landscape context on plant phylogenetic diversity in a naturally fragmented forest. Tropical Conservation Science 10:1-11 |PDF| (*)
30. |
Azcorra H, Vázquez-Vázquez A, Méndez N, Salazar-Rendón JC, Munguía-Rosas MA, Datta Banik S. (2017). Birth seasonality in Yucatan, Mexico. Human Ecology 45: 409-415. |PDF|
29. |
Moo-Aldana R, Munguía-Rosas MA, Serralta LP, Castillo MT, Vega-Frutis R, Martínez-Natarén D. (2017). Can the introduction of modern crop varieties intheir centre of origin affect local ecological knowledge? A case study of papaya in the Yucatan Peninsula. Human Ecology 45: 367-375. |PDF| (*)
2016 |
28. |
Munguía-Rosas MA, León A, Martínez-Natarén D. (2016). Parasitism on seed-predators overcomes the detrimetal effects of defoliation on plant fitness in a tritrophic system. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 10: 535-543. |PDF| (*)
27. |
Rodríguez-Peña N, Stoner KE, Ayala-Berdón JI, Munguía-Rosas MA, Sánchez-Cordero V, Shondube J. (2016) Factors affecting nectar sugar composition in chiropterophilic plants. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 87: 465-473. |PDF|
2015 |
26. |
MJ Campos-Navarrete, MA Munguía-Rosas, l Abdala-Roberts, J. Quinto-Cánovas, V Parra-Tabla, V. (2015). Effects of tree genotypic diversity and species diversity on the arthropod community associated with big-leaf mahogany. Biotropica 47: 579-587. |PDF|
25. |
MJ Campos-Navarrete, L Abdala-Roberts, MA Munguía-Rosas, V Parra-Tabla. (2015). Are tree species diversity and genotypic diversity effects on insect herbivores mediated by ants? PLoS ONE 10: e0132671. |PDF|
24. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, LM Arias, SG Jurado-Dzib, CR Mezeta-Cob, V Parra-Tabla. (2015). Effects of herbivores and pollinators on fruit yield and survival in a cleistogamous herb. Plant Ecology 216: 517-525. |PDF| (*)
23. |
Víctor Parra-Tabla, Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, María José Campos-Navarrete, José Ramos-Zapata. (2015). Effects of flower dimorphism and light environment on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in a cleistogamous herb. Plant Biology 17: 163-168. |PDF|
2014 |
22. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, Salvador Montiel. (2014). Patch size and isolation predict plant species density in a naturally fragmented forest. PLoS ONE 9: e111742. |PDF| (*)
21. |
Luis Salinas-Peba, Víctor Parra-Tabla, Julio Campo, Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas. (2014). Survival and growth of dominant tree seedlings in seasonally tropical dry forests of yucatan: site and fertilization effects. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 461-469. |PDF|
20. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, Selmy Jurado-Dzib, Candy Mezeta-Cob, Salvador Montiel, Armando Rojas, Juan M. Pech-Canché. (2014). Continuous forest has greater taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity tan an adjacent naturally fragmented forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30: 323-333. |PDF| (*)
2013 |
19. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, María J. Campos Navarrete, Víctor Parra-Tabla. (2013). The Effect of pollen source vs. flower type on progeny performance and seed predation under contrasting light environments in a cleistogamous herb. PLOS ONE 8: e80934. |PDF| (*)
18. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, Luis Abdala-Roberts, Víctor Parra-Tabla. (2013). Effectsof pollen load, parasitoids and the environment on pre-dispersal seed predationin the cleistogamous Ruellia nudiflora. Oecologia. 173: 871-880. |PDF|
17. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, Víctor Parra-Tabla, Salvador Montiel. (2013). Extreme variation in the reproductive phenology of the weed, Ruellia nudiflora. Weed Research 53: 328-336. |PDF| (*)
16. |
Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas, Salvador Montiel, Teresa Castillo. (2013). Redes, Ecología, Ciencias Sociales: Las redes complejas en Ecología Humana. Ecología Austral 23: 135-142. |PDF| (*)
15. |
Romeo A. Saldaña-Vásquez, Miguel Angel Munguía-Rosas. (2013). Lunar phobia in bats and its ecologicalcorrelates. Mammalian Biology 78:216-19. |PDF|
14. |
Rocío Vega-Frutis, Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Sandra Varga, Minna-Maarit Kytöviita. (2013). Sex-specific patterns of antagonistic and mutualistic biotic interactions in dioecious and gynodioecious plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15: 45-55. |PDF|
2012 |
- 2004 |
13. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Victor Parra Tabla, Jeff Ollerton, J. Carlos Cervera. (2012). Environmental control of reproductive phenology and the effect of pollen supplementation on resource allocation in the cleistogamous weed Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae). Annals of Botany 109: 343-350. |PDF| (*)
12. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Jeff Ollerton, Victor Parra Tabla. (2011). Phenotypic selection on flowering phenology and size of two dioecious species with different pollen vectors. Plant Species Biology 26: 205-212. |PDF| (*)
11. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Jeff Ollerton, Victor Parra Tabla, Arturo de Nova. (2011). Meta-analysis of phenotypic selection on flowering phenology suggests that early flowering plants are favoured. Ecology letters 14: 511-521. |PDF| (*)
10. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Vinicio J. Sosa. (2010). Phenology of Pilosocereus leucocephalus (Cactaceae; Tribe Cereae): a columnar cactus with asynchronous pulsed flowering. Plant Ecology 211: 191-201. |PDF| (*)
9. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Vinicio J. Sosa, Miguel E. Jácome Flores. (2010). Pollination system of the Pilosocereus leucocephalus columnar cactus (tribe Cereeae) in eastern Mexico. Plant Biology 12: 578-586. |PDF| (*)
8. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Mario M. Ojeda, Vinicio J. Sosa, J. Arturo De Nova. (2009). Specialization clines in the pollination system of agaves (Agavaceae) and columnar cacti (Cactaceae): A phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis. American Journal of Botany 96: 1887-1895. |PDF| (*)
7. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Miguel E. Jácome Flores, M. de la Luz Quiroz-Cerón, Vinicio J. Sosa. (2009). Removal of Pilosocereus leucocephalus (Cactaceae, tribe Cereeae) seeds by ants and their potential role as primary seed dispersers. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 578-581.|PDF| (*)
6. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Vinicio J. Sosa. (2008). Nurse plants vs Nurse objects: The effects of woody plants and rocky cavities on the recruitment of the Pilosocereus leucocephalus columnar cactus. Annals of Botany 101: 175-185. |PDF|
5. |
Kathryn E. Stoner, Jorge A. Lobo, Mauricio Quesada, Eric J. Fuchs, Yvonne Herrerías-Diego, Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Karla A. O.-Salazar, Carolina Palacios-Guevara, Víctor Rosas-Guerrero. (2008). Efecto de la perturbación del bosque en la tasa de visitas de murciélagos polinizadores y sus consecuencias en el éxito reproductivo y sistema de apareamiento en árboles de la familia bombacaceae. En: Celia A. Harvey y Joel Saénz (editores). Evaluación y conservación de la biodiversidad en paisajes fragmentados de Mesoamérica. INBio. Primera y única edición. Santo Domingo de Heredia, CostaRica, 351-372. ISBN: 978-9968-927-29-1. |PDF|
4. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Vinicio J. Sosa. (2006). Variación altitudinal en los visitantes florales y biología reproductiva de un cacto columnar (Pilosocereus leucocephalus) en la región del centro de Veracruz, México. Boletín de la Sociedad Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Cactáceas y otras Suculentas 3: 5-6. |PDF| (*)
3. |
Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas. (2006). Homeostasis global y selección natural: un juicio para Gaia. Ciencias 82: 16-25. |PDF|
2. |
Concepción Sánchez-Gómez, Liliana Pliego-Pliego, Alejandra Contreras-Ramos, Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Marcela Salazar, Hugo L. García, Marco A. González. (2005). Histological study of the proximal and distal segments of the embryonic outflow tract and great arteries. The Anatomical Record 283: 202-211 |PDF|
1. |
Mauricio Quesada, Kathryn E. Stoner, Jorge A. Lobo, Yvonne Herrerías, Carolina Palacios-Guevara, Miguel A. Munguía-Rosas, Karla A. O.-Salazar. (2004). Effects of forest fragmentation on pollinator activity and consequences for plant reproductive success and mating patterns in bat-pollinated bombacaceous trees. Biotropica 36: 131-138. |PDF|