

Doctor en Ciencias, Universidad de Washintong, Seattle, WA, EUA (1989).
Investigador Cinvestav 3E.


 +52 (999) 942-94-35


Última actualización: 7 de noviembre de 2023

Dr. José Mustre de León

  • Física del estado sólido (TE).

  • Materia condensada y estado sólido.

  • Superconductividad y absorción de rayos X.


  • Local atomic structure and Ni nanophase segregation in Zn1-xNixS thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 854, 157258, 2021.

  • Local atomic structure and lattice defect analysis in heavily Co-doped ZnS thin films using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 136, 109154, 2020.

  • Multivalence states and optical band-tail effect in heavily V-doped ZnS thin films. Materials Letters, 257, 126774, 2019.