
Dr. Daniel Robledo Ramírez


Investigador Titular 3D

Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores: Nivel 3
Departamento de Recursos del Mar CINVESTAV Mérida
Carretera antigua a Progreso, km 6.
CP 97310 
Mérida Yucatán México
Tel (999)-9429400 ext 9466
Correo electrónico: daniel.robledo@cinvestav.mx


Biotecnología vegetal marina; Ecología y fisiología de algas marinas. Cultivo y micro-propagación de algas marinas de interés industrial. Valoración de metabolitos secundarios a partir de algas marinas.

Oceanólogo por la UABC, y Doctor en Ciencias del Mar por el Centro de Biotecnología Marina de la ULPGC. En su tesis de Doctorado, Cultivo, adaptación morfológica y fisiopatología de macroalgas de interés industrial trabajó con especies de algas rojas de interés económico. Su formación incluye trabajos sobre biotecnología de microalgas en el Microalgal Biotechnology Laboratory, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

Ingresó a la Unidad Mérida en 1994 para crear el laboratorio de Ficología Aplicada cuyo trabajo se enfoca en el aislamiento, cultivo y caracterización fisiológica de especies de algas con interés económico y/o ecológico. Es parte del Cuerpo Académico de Biotecnología Marina, Socio Fundador y Coordinador General de la Sociedad Ficológica de América Latina y el Caribe, fungió como Presidente de la Sociedad Ficológica de México 2000-2003, ha sido Vocal académico y Vicepresidente de la Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería Sección Sureste (2003-2007), y Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. Actualmente es miembro del Consejo de la PAMBA (Panamerican Marine Biotechnology Association) y Miembro del Consejo de la International Seaweed Association (ISA).

Su producción científica incluye 58 Artículos indexados al SCI, 14 capítulos en libros especializados, ha dirigido 9 tesis de Licenciatura, 10 de Maestría y 7 de Doctorado.

Scopus Author ID: 6603355967 Más información

ARTÍCULOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN (disponibles @ Academia – Researchgate -)

Vázquez-Delfín E, Boo GH, Rodríguez D, Boo SM, Robledo D Hypnea musciformis (CYSTOCLONIACEAE) FROM THE YUCATAN PENINSULA: MORPHOLOGICAL VARIABILITY IN RELATION TO LIFE-CYCLE PHASE. Phycologia 55(2), DOI: 10.2216/15-118.1

Del Campo, J.S.M., Escalante, R., Robledo, D., Patino, R (2010) 2. Hydrogen production by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under light-driven and sulfur-deprived conditions: using biomass grown in outdoor photobioreactors at the Yucatan Peninsula. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39, , pp. 20950-20957; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.10.067

Valderrama, D., Cai, J. Robledo, D., Hishamunda, N., (...), Gasca-Leyva, E., Fraga, J. (2015). The Economics of Kappaphycus Seaweed Cultivation in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Farming Systems . Aquaculture Economics and Management 19 (2), pp. 251-277 View at Publisher

Domínguez-May, R., Gasca-Leyva, E., Robledo, D. Harvesting time optimization and risk analysis for the mariculture of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta). Reviews in Aquaculture View at Publisher

Robledo, D.,Figueroa, F.L., Bonomi Barufi, J., Malta, E.J., (...), Bischof, K., Stengel, D.B. Short-term effects of increasing CO2, nitrate and temperature on three mediterranean macroalgae: Biochemical composition. Aquatic Biology 22, pp. 177-193 View at Publisher

Chale-Dzul, J., Moo-Puc, R., Robledo, D.., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. Hepatoprotective effect of the fucoidan from the brown seaweed Turbinaria tricostata. Journal of Applied Phycology 27 (5), pp. 2123-2135.

Zubia M., Robledo D., Freile-Pelegrin, Y. Photosynthesis, pigment composition and antioxidant defences in the red alga Gracilariopsis tenuifrons (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) under environmental stress. Journal of Applied Phycology 26, pp 2001-2010.

Stengel DB, R Conde-Álvarez, S Connan, (…), D Robledo, (…), FL Figueroa. CO2, nutrient and temperature impacts on three morpho-functional marine macroalgae under solar radiation: a mesocosm study. Aquatic Biology.

Caamal-Fuentes, E., Moo-Puc, R., Freile-Pelegri´n, Y. ,Robledo, D.. Cytotoxic and antiproliferative constituents from Dictyota ciliolata, Padina sanctae-crucis and Turbinaria tricostata . Pharmaceutical Biology DOI:10.3109/13880209.2014.886273;

Rebours, C., Marinho-Soriano, E., Zertuche-González, J.A., (...), Rødven, R., ., Robledo, D. (2014). Seaweeds: an opportunity for wealth and sustainable livelihood for coastal communities. Journal of Applied Phycology View at Publisher.

Vázquez-Delfín, E., Robledo, D. , Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2013) Microwave-assisted extraction of the Carrageenan from Hypnea musciformis (Cystocloniaceae, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology pp. 1-7 View at Publisher.

Caamal-Fuentes E., J. Chale-Dzul, R. Moo-Puc Y. Freile-Pelegrín, Robledo D. (2014). Bioprospecting of brown seaweed (Ochrophyta) from the Yucatan peninsula: cytotoxic, antiproliferative, and antiprotozoal activities. Journal of Applied Phycology 26:1009–1017

Hayashi L., C. Bulboa, P. Kradolfer, G. Soriano, Robledo D. (2014). Cultivation of red seaweeds: a Latin American perspective. Journal of Applied Phycology 26:719–727

Godínez-Ortega J.L., Robledo D., Freile-Pelegrín Y., Ríos-Castillo (2012). Composición estacional de ácidos grasos de Halymenia floresii (Rhodophyta) de Yucatán, México. Revista Latinoamericana de Química 40(2): 99-105.

Robledo D., Navarro-Angulo, L., Lozano, D.V., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2012). Nutrient removal efficiency of Hydropuntia cornea in an integrated closed recirculation system with pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. Aquaculture Research View at Publisher.

García-Ríos, V., Ríos-Leal, E., Robledo D., Freile-Pelegrin, Y. (2012). Polysaccharides composition from tropical brown seaweeds. Phycological Research 60 (4), pp. 305-315 View at Publisher.

Guzmán-Urióstegui, A., Robaina, R., Freile-Pelegrín, Y., andRobledo D. (2012). Polyamines increase carpospore output and growth during in vitro cultivation of Hydropuntia cornea. Biotechnology Letters 34 (4), pp. 755-761View at Publisher.

Robledo D., Moo-Puc, R., Freile-Pelegrin, Y. (2011). Enhanced antitumoral activity of extracts derived from cultured Udotea flabellum (chlorophyta). Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, View at Publisher.

Madera-Santana, T.J., Robledo D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2011). Physicochemical Properties of Biodegradable Polyvinyl Alcohol-Agar Films from the Red Algae Hydropuntia cornea. Marine Biotechnology 13 (4), pp. 793-800 View at Publisher.

Robledo D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2011). Prospects for the cultivation of economically important carrageenophytes in Southeast Mexico. Journal of Applied Phycology 23 (3), pp. 415-419 View at Publisher.

Moo-Puc, R., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2011). Improved antitumoral activity of extracts derived from cultured penicillus dumetosus. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 10 (2), pp. 177-185.

Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Azamar, J.A., Robledo, D. (2011). Preliminary characterization of carrageenan from the red seaweed halymenia floresii. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 20 (1), pp. 73-83 View at Publisher

Madera-Santana, T.J., Robledo, D., Azamar, J.A., Ríos-Soberanis, C.R., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2010). Preparation and characterization of low density polyethylene-agar biocomposites: Torque-rheological, mechanical, thermal and morphological properties. Polymer Engineering and Science 50 (3), pp. 585-591 View at Publisher.

Moo-Puc, R., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2009). Actividad citotóxica y antiproliferativa in vitro de macroalgas marinas de Yucatán, México [In vitro cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities of marine macroalgae from Yucatán, Mexico]. Ciencias Marinas 35 (4), pp. 345-358 View at Publisher.

Madera-Santana, T.J., Misra, M., Drzal, L.T., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2009). Preparation and characterization of biodegradable agar/poly(butylene adipateco-terephatalate) composites. Polymer Engineering and Science 49 (6), pp. 1117-1126 View at Publisher.

Moo-Puc, R., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2008). Evaluation of selected tropical seaweeds for in vitro anti-trichomonal activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 120 (1), pp. 92-97 View at Publisher.

Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2008). Carrageenan of Eucheuma isiforme (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Nicaragua. Journal of Applied Phycology 20 (5), pp. 537-541 View at Publisher.

Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Chan-Bacab, M.J., Ortega-Morales, B.O. (2008). Antileishmanial properties of tropical marine algae extracts. Fitoterapia 79 (5), pp. 374-377 View at Publisher.

Godínez-Ortega, J.L., Snoeijs, P., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Pedersén, M. (2008). Growth and pigment composition in the red alga Halymenia floresii cultured under different light qualities. Source of the Document Journal of Applied Phycology 20 (3), pp. 253-260 View at Publisher.

Pantí, L., Chávez, P., Robledo, D., Patiño, R.(2007). A solar photobioreactor for the production of biohydrogen from microalgae. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6650, 66500Z View at Publisher.

Zubia, M., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrin, Y.(2007). Antioxidant activities in tropical marine macroalgae from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Journal of Applied Phycology 19 (5), pp. 449-458 View at Publisher.

García, F., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrin, Y.(2007). Physiological characterization of Dunaliella sp. (Chlorophyta, Volvocales) from Yucatan, Mexico. Bioresource Technology 98 (7), pp. 1359-1365 View at Publisher.

Pereira-Pacheco, F., Robledo, D., Rodríguez-Carvajal, L., Freile-Pelegrin, Y.(2007). Optimization of native agar extraction from Hydropuntia cornea from Yucatán, México Authors of Document. Bioresource Technology 98 (6), pp. 1278-1284 View at Publisher.

García-Ríos, V., Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D.., (...), Moreno-Sánchez, R., Gold-Bouchot, G. (2007). Cell wall composition affects Cd2+ accumulation and intracellular thiol peptides in marine red algae. Aquatic Toxicology 81 (1), pp. 65-72 View at Publisher.

Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Madera-Santana, T., Robledo, D.., (...), Quintana, P., Azamar, J.A. (2007). Degradation of agar films in a humid tropical climate: Thermal, mechanical, morphological and structural changes. Polymer Degradation and Stability 92 (2), pp. 244-252 View at Publisher.

Sánchez-Estudillo, L., Freile-Pelegrin, Y., Rivera-Madrid, R., Robledo, D., Narváez-Zapata, J.A. (2006). Regulation of two photosynthetic pigment-related genes during stress-induced pigment formation in the green alga, Dunaliella salina. Biotechnology Letters 28 (11), pp. 787-791 View at Publisher.

Muñoz, J., Cahue-López, A.C., Patiño, R., Robledo, D. (2006). Use of plant growth regulators in micropropagation of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) in airlift bioreactors. Journal of Applied Phycology 18 (2), pp. 209-218 View at Publisher.

Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D., Azamar, J.A. (2006). Carrageenan of Eucheuma isiforme (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Yucatán, Mexico. I. Effect of extraction conditions. Botanica Marina 49 (1), pp. 65-71 View at Publisher.

Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D.(2006). Carrageenan of Eucheuma isiforme (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Yucatán, Mexico. II. Seasonal variations in carrageenan and biochemical characteristics. Botanica Marina 49 (1), pp. 72-78 View at Publisher.

Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2005). Seasonal variation in photosynthesis and biochemical composition of Caulerpa spp. (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) from the Gulf of Mexico. Phycologia 44 (3), pp. 312-319 View at Publisher.

Muñoz, J., Robledo, D., Freile-Pelegrín, Y. (2004). Mariculture of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) color strains in tropical waters of Yucatán, México. Aquaculture 239 (1-4), pp. 161-177 View at Publisher.

Guzmán-Urióstegui, A., García-Jiménez, P., Marián, F., Robledo, D., Robaina, R. (2002). Polyamines influence maturation in reproductive structures of Gracilaria cornea (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 38 (6), pp. 1169-1175 View at Publisher.

Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D., D., Pedersén, M., Bruno, E., Rönnqvist, J. (2002). Efecto del tratamiento de oscuridad y salinidad en el rendimiento y calidad del agar de Gracilaria cornea (Rhodophyceae) Effect of dark and salinity treatment in the yield and quality of agar from Gracilaria cornea (Rhodophyceae). Ciencias Marinas 28 (3), pp. 289-296 View at Publisher.

Orduña-Rojas, J., Robledo, D., Dawes, C.J. (2002). Studies on the tropical agarophyte Gracilaria cornea J. Agardh (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) from Yucatán, Mexico. I. Seasonal physiological and biochemical responses. Botanica Marina 45 (5), pp. 453-458 View at Publisher.

Orduña-Rojas, J., Robledo, D.(2002). Studies on the tropical agarophyte Gracilaria cornea J. Agardh (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) from Yucatán, México. II. Biomass assessment and reproductive phenology. Botanica Marina 45 (5), pp. 459-464 View at Publisher.

Hernández-Carmona, G., Robledo, D., Serviere-Zaragoza, E. (2001). Effect of nutrient availability on Macrocystis pyrifera recruitment and survival near its southern limit off Baja California. otanica Marina 44 (3), pp. 221-229 View at Publisher.

Hernández-Carmona, G., García, O., Robledo, D., Foster, M.(2000). Restoration techniques for Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae) populations at the southern limit of their distribution in Mexico. Botanica Marina 43 (3), pp. 273-284.

Collado-Vides, L., Robledo, D. (1999). Morphology and photosynthesis of Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) in relation to growth. Journal of Phycology 35 (2), pp. 325-330 View at Publisher.

Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D. Serviere-Zaragoza, E. (1999). Gelidium robustum agar: Quality characteristics from exploited beds and seasonality from an unexploited bed at Southern Baja California, Mexico. Hydrobiologia 398-399, pp. 501-507 View at Publisher.

Navarro-Angulo, L., Robledo, D. (1999).Effects of nitrogen source, N:P ratio and N-pulse concentration and frequency on the growth of Gracilaria cornea (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Hydrobiologia 398-399, pp. 315-320 View at Publisher.

Factors affecting sporulation of Gracilaria cornea (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) carposporophytes from Yucatan, Mexico Guzmán-Urióstegui, A., Robledo, D. 1999 Hydrobiologia 398-399, pp. 285-290 View at Publisher

Effects of irradiance and temperature on the release and growth of carpospores from Gracilaria cornea J. Agardh (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) Orduna-Rojas, J., Robledo, D. 1999 Botanica Marina 42 (4), pp. 315-319

Response of the tropical red seaweed Gracilaria cornea to temperature, salinity and irradiance Dawes, C.J., Orduña-Rojas, J., Robledo, D. 1998 Journal of Applied Phycology 10 (5), pp. 419-425 View at Publisher

Influence of alkali treatment on agar from Gracilaria cornea from Yucatan, mexico Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D. 1997 Journal of Applied Phycology 9 (6), pp. 533-539 View at Publisher

Chemical and mineral composition of six potentially edible seaweed species of Yucatán Robledo, D., Freile Pelegrín, Y. 1997 Botanica Marina 40 (4), pp. 301-306

Effects of season on the agar content and chemical characteristics of Gracilaria cornea from Yucatan, Mexico Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D. 1997 Botanica Marina 40 (4), pp. 285-290

Seasonal changes in agar characteristics of two populations of Pterocladia capillacea in Gran Canaria, Spain Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D., Armisén, R., García-Reina, G. 1996 Journal of Applied Phycology 8 (3), pp. 239-246 View at Publisher

Seasonal agar yield and quality in Gelidium canariensis (Grunow) Seoane-Camba (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) from Gran Canaria, Spain Freile-Pelegrín, Y., Robledo, D.R., García-Reina, G. 1995 Journal of Applied Phycology 7 (2), pp. 141-144 View at Publisher

Photosynthetic performance of healthy and virus-infected Feldmannia irregularis and F.simplex (Phaeophyceae) Robledo, D.R., Sosa, P.A., Garcia-Reina, G., Muller, D.G. 1994 European Journal of Phycology 29 (4), pp. 247-251 View at Publisher

Apical callus formation in Solieria filiformis (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) cultured in tanks Robledo, D.R, García-Reina, G. 1993 Hydrobiologia 260-261 (1), pp. 401-406 View at Publisher

Actual, potential and speculative applications of seaweed cellular biotechnology: some specific comments on Gelidium Garcia-Reina, G., Gómez-Pinchetti, J.L., Robledo, D.R., Sosa, P. 1991 Hydrobiologia 221 (1), pp. 181-194 View at Publisher


SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS OF CARRAGEENAN SEAWEED FARMING IN MEXICO. In D. Valderrama, J. Cai, N. Hishamunda & N. Ridler, eds. Social and economic dimensions of carrageenan seaweed farming, pp. 185-204. Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 580. Rome, FAO SEAWEED RESOURCES OF MEXICO In: A. Critchley, M. Ohno, D. Largo (eds). World Seaweed Resources. DVD-ROM Multimedia Interactive Software – UNESCO Publishing/ETI Bioinformatics

MANAGING THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PLANTS AND ANIMALS IN MARINE MULTI-TROPHIC AQUACULTURE: INTEGRATED SHRIMP AND VALUABLE LOW FOOD CHAIN ORGANISMS WITH SEAWEEDS In: All Flesh Is Grass, Plant-Animal Interrelationships (Seckbach, Joseph Ed.) Springer Series: Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology

BIOACTIVE PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM ALGAE In: Bioactive Compounds from Marine Foods: Plant and Animal Sources (Hernández-Ledesma B, Herrero M.) Wiley-Blackwell Publishers View at Publisher

SEAWEED RESOURCES OF MEXICO In: A. Critchley, M. Ohno (eds). Seaweed Resources of the World. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japón

MARINE BENTHIC ALGAE FROM THE CAMPECHE BANKS, MEXICO In: A.R.O. Chapman, R.J. Anderson, V.J. Vreelan, I.R. Davison (eds.) International Seaweed Symposium. Oxford University Press, New York

INTER-DISCIPLINARITY AND CBCRM RESEARCH IN SMALL COASTAL COMMUNITIES OF MEXICO In: Y. Breton, D. Brown, B. Davy, M. Haughton, L. Ovares (eds.) Coastal Resource Management in the Wider Caribbean: Resilience, Adaptation, and Community Diversity. Ian Randle/IDRC. Disponible en español

SEAWEEDS AND MANGROVES: IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES IN COASTAL COMMUNITIES OF MEXICO AND JAMAICA In: Y. Breton, D. Brown, B. Davy, M. Haughton, L. Ovares (eds.) Coastal Resource Management in the Wider Caribbean: Resilience, Adaptation, and Community Diversity. Ian Randle/IDRC Disponible en español

LAS ALGAS MARINAS COMO BIOINDICADORESDE CALIDAD AMBIENTAL Y SU USO EN ESTUDIOS ECOTOXICOLÓGICOS En: C. A. González-Zuarth, A. Vallarino-Moncada y J. Rendón von Osten (eds.): Los bioindicadores ¿Guardianes de nuestro futuro ecológico? Instituto de Ecología Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México EPOMEX, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, San Francisco de Campeche.

ALGAS. 4. Especies. Diversidad vegetal En: Durán R. y M. Méndez (Eds). Biodiversidad y Desarrollo Humano en Yucatán. CICY, PPD-FMAM, CONABIO, SEDUMA

ALGAS MARINAS DE INTERÉS ECONÓMICO EN LA COSTA DE YUCATÁN: HYDROPUNTIA CORNEA, UN ESTUDIO DE CASO. Editado por Euán-Ávila, J.I., (…), Alfonso Munguía Gil. (2013): La costa del estado de Yucatán, un espacio de reflexión sobre la relación sociedad-naturaleza, en el contexto de su ordenamiento ecológico territorial. Ed. Plaza y Valdés, México. Vol. I, pp. 249-257. ISBN: 978-607-402-606-1

MACROFLORA MARINA DE INTERES ECONOMICO DE LAS COSTAS DE YUCATAN En: H. Benítez Díaz, (…), S. Avila Foucat (eds). Aspectos económicos sobre la biodiversidad de México. CONABIO INE, México

EFECTO DE LA DISPONIBILIDAD DE NUTRIENTES SOBRE EL RECLUTAMIENTO Y SOBREVIVENCIA DE Macrocystis pyrifera EN BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, MÉXICO, DURANTE EL FENÓMENO DE EL NIÑO 1997-1998 En: E. Escobar Briones, (…), A. Winckell (compiladores), Los efectos del Fenómeno El Niño en México 1997-1998. CONACYT, México